Monday, March 13, 2017

The Ultimate Guide to Contouring as a Man

This week, we celebrate the launch of MMUK MAN’s brand new Contouring Palette, available in a 3-well format and a 6-well alternative, for men who wish to take their cosmetic application to the next level. The growing demand by men to further enhance their appearance with daily contouring is further evidence of how men and makeup is no longer simply a taboo subject talked about in the guy’s locker room.

Gentlemen are quickly coming to realise and visibly see the benefits of contouring, especially with the rise in popularity of YouTube makeup for men vloggers like Jake-Jamie Ward, who openly endorse it. With this, we have been contacted by a large number of men, searching for advice on the best way to get it right and make it look natural. Whilst contouring as a woman can sometimes involve 10-15 individual steps, fortunately for you guys, it can be simplified hugely, after all, most of our clients want a quick step brief on how to get a game changing complexion.

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